Sunday, September 16, 2012

Jerusalem University College

Here's my school!
 Since I've failed at pictures, here is a post of pictures of where I live.
And the gate

There are bullet holes in it left over from the Six Day War

The other side of the bullet holes

And the tractor that used to cover the place where we're going to
have an archeological dig. :D

This is what the courtyard of the gate looks like

Here's the academic building

Let's go upstairs. (I know, you're looking down them. Sorry)

I call this the awkward hallway. Mainly 'cause
it's obnoxiously long. And partly because this is
the hallway to my room

Welcome to 400B

We have a Jesus mural

And a window

With a window sill that is a fun place to sit and angle your laptop
out to try to get a bar or two of internet

Convenient place to hang my hammock. :D

View from the hammock

Working on Hebrew

Now out to the roof!

View from the roof

View from the garden. Hehe, no transition there. ;P

Pretty flowers

More pretty flowers

One pretty pink flower

Pomegranates not quite ready for picking when I took this picture



Pomegranates much more ready to pick

We have a graveyard beyond the garden

My roommate, Megan
This is kinda a catch-up post. Sorry, everyone. :/ I have more coming. I'm typing up Impression Reports for the field studies, so after I do each one, I go through pictures and put them together in a coherent format. Takes some time though.

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