Friday, August 31, 2012


I usually end up having several wonderful conversations with people at school, but the past few days have had wonderful ones. One was a bit crazy and awkward, and two were wonderful and meaningful. Just now (it's about midnight), I finished up a great conversation with a girl down the hall. I think we sat in the lounge for... at least two, if not three hours talking about... everything. Haha. And I think two or three nights ago, I sat in my hammock (that was unfortuntely close to the ground) with another girl, sharing a pomegranate and trading stories. How cool is that?

There's been some kind of music festival going on across the street from us. So two nights ago we got folk music, last night we got modern Israeli music (I heard music akin to Sarit Hadad and Gad Elbaz - great artists, by the way), and tonight we got.... American music. Sigh.

And now it's 15 after midnight, so I'm going to hit the sack. On the other hand... no classes tomorrow! Yippee! It'll be my chance to catch up on homework and hopefully blog posts. We go on another field study on Sunday. Expect pictures. :D

Shalom, and laila tov (that's good night)

1 comment:

  1. Don't hit the sack too hard! ;)
    I love when that kind of thing happens to me. I wish it would happen more often though. Guys don't generally feel comfortable just sharing life with each other for some odd reason.
